Valentin Andreyev

I feel the pain of your needles
As they shit into my mind

TW: DEATH, Blood, abuse, Cannibalism, and mentions of eating disorders

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General Information

  • Age: 30 years

  • Gender: Non-binary (MASC)

  • Pronouns: they/he

  • PLACE OF ORIGIN: Earth (Russia)

  • Position: Medical Doctor (dentistry)


Мирби (Youtube)


  • Hair: Dark Red

  • Height: 5'9" (175 cm)

  • Weight: 137 lbs (62 kg)

  • Blood Type: AB

  • Body Type: Thin

  • Skin: Pale

  • Eyes: Droopy grey

Family & Relations

Relationship Status: Single+Father (deceased)
+Mother (deceased)
+Yuri (Lover)


+Valentin's glasses give him a sense of stability apart from his bad eyesight. Without his glasses Valentin doesn't feel very complete or safe.+Valentin often has hallucinations of his mother (or at least an idealized image of his mother because they never met her) and sometimes he senses he can hear her voice.+ Valentin loves dogs and a lot of the village dogs were his "friends" before Yuri came along.+Valentin highly dislikes summer and is quite comfortable with the cold and would sometimes even go as far as to not bundle up too much just to go outside in the cold.+ Valentin self pierced his ears when he was 16 years old.


Primary Class: Medical Doctor
Secondary Class: n/a
⚰️ SURGEON—[SUPPORT] Surgeon: Rolls 1d20, the value rolled is the amount of HP added to the patient's HP. Overhealing can be stored for up to 10HP extra, and dispersed amongst other units in need of healing.
Can be used up to a total of 20 HP points restored.
Patients cannot use action moves while being treated with this bonus.
Unconscious patients will remain unconscious.
Cannot be paired with Nurse.
Primary medics only may have this trait.
⚰️ BLOODHOUND— [STATUS] [SUPPORT] ] BLOODHOUND: Upon a teammate being injured by an enemy, the user’s senses are sharpened. Grants a +2 to all following perception rolls.⚰️ HARMACIST— [ATTACK] [SUPPORT] HARMacist: This medic can carry out an attack roll and a healing role at the same time. +1 to attack roll AND +1 to healing roll. This trait is usable three times.⚰️ BETRAYING THE OATH—[ATTACK] Betraying the Oath: +5 when attacking with medical equipment; causes bleed, poison, suffocation or burn to victim depending on the type of attack. Results in Shock on the medic.⚰️ COWARD— [ACTION] [STATUS] Coward: +3 to rolls evading damage when hiding behind others. The person in front takes an additional -2 damage.⚰️ OPHIVICIOUS— [ATTACK] OPHIVICIOUS [ I ]: This medic can attack with a deadly cocktail of medications stored in a little dart [projectile]. Medic must roll a 1d20 to attack. If they succeed the target gains the poisoned status until treated.Equipment & Weaponry: Dissection tool kit, coffin shaped bag/case where he keeps his tools and weapons, syringe gun with small bottles of various liquids.Additional special training or skills: Dental, optometry knowledge and mortician skills.

Medical History

*A physical exam was held on xx day, light bruising on stomach, forearms and legs were found but no deeper injuries or internal effects, signs of struggles with eating disorder present within the patient.*Performed psychological test results conclusion:PSYCHOSIS (paranoia, hallucinations, uneasiness, sometimes cannot think logically, insomniac experiences)COMPLEX PTSD (C-PTSD) causation of childhood trauma, experiences irregular
emotions, avoidant behavior, depression, experiences vivid flashbacks
*Patient showed signs of anxiety and did not give any further information of what he feels or what he sees. *


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POSITIVE> Passionate
NEUTRAL> Mischievous
> Self-conscious
> Dense

Valentin is for the most part very secretive about his inner feelings and what he wants to say. He tends to hide his true emotions and feelings behind a smile. His emotions can be all over, but he will always maintain professionalism when it comes to work. He is passionate about his work and really wants to make sure that he is deserving of living in Salus and always continuing his passions. Although he is quite weak, he is not someone who gives up easily.
When Valentin is comfortable with others he can be quite playful and mischievous, he Is also quite clumsy and dense when it comes to reading other's emotions.

likes & dislikes

  • Eyes

  • Scrapbooking

  • Dogs

  • Raspberries

  • Fossils

  • Artificial Banana candy flavor

  • cigarettes

  • Real banana

  • Vegetables

  • heat

  • Paperwork

  • when plans don’t go their way

  • Nature

  • Summer activites (beach,

  • fishing,etc.)



TLDR HISTORY> Valentin was born in Rostov-On-Don (Russia) in the Hysminai Settlement.>Mother died during birth of Valentin due to lack of resource and help from community, father was the doctor of the settlement.>After the passing of his mother Valentin's father mistreated Valentin physically and mentally.>Valentin meets Yuri and Yuliya at age 11, Yuri was his first and closest friend in the entirety of his life.>At the age of 12, Valentin starts to have hallucinations of his mother's voice and was convinced to kill his father. At 12am, he sneaked back home and killed his father, after some bit of reflection he eats a portion of his father.> He puts the remainder of his father in the basement and spends his time there in conversation.>He lives with Yuliya and Yuri for the rest of his childhood.>At 19 years old, he comes back to his home and discovers the hidden basement within the basement where he finds his mother's embalmed body.>At 20, he started learning medic knowledge and embalming knowledge from his father's works and writings, he practices on corpses.> At age 27, he discovers the myriad of opportunity he has at Salus and decides to go with it.>There is a tense goodbye with Yuri and Valentin, begging Yuri to come with them but Yuri denies it.>He leaves for Salus and arrives at age 30.

Valentin was born in Hyasminai settlement located in Rostov-On-Don (prev. Russia), his father Dmitri Andreyev was one of the doctors of the village and in return for helping patients, he would receive enough resources to live. He fell in love with one of the most beautiful women he has ever laid his eyes on, Mischa Obraztsov, a young woman who had quite a weak immune system who had met Dmitri through an appointment, Mischa also grew to love Dmitri the feeling was mutual and soon enough they were a happy couple. Love was all they needed in this cold and harsh world, Dmitri was sure he would never fall in love with anyone else but Mischa for the rest of eternity. On the day of their marriage, they vowed to be at each other’s side for the rest of eternity.A few months later, Mischa was pregnant with Valentin, it was quite a surprise for Dmitri, they were both so sure they would never be able to conceive a child but by some sort of miracle, they did. But a child was far from something Dmitri had wanted, but seeing Mischa so ecstatic despite her health worsening by the second due to her pregnancy, he had no choice but to be supportive every step of the way. However, all seemed to turn badly soon after, once Mischa was due to give birth, Dmitri helped her every step of the way himself in their small home. However, because of Mischa's deteriorating health, after Valentin was born, she didn’t make it through and passed away. All Dmitri had left was the unwanted child, he believed that this child was a curse put upon him and taking away who he loved the most.Valentin’s childhood was rough, Dmitri treated him like trash. One would think that a father would love and care for his son, especially after the passing of his mother, but Dmitri was different. He would starve him, and hurt him mentally, and as far as physically. Oftentimes after arguments, Valentin would run away from home, no matter how cold it was, the coldness of his home would never compare. Valentin would often sit with his “mom” by his side, whom he would talk to often, he would always hear her voice in the wind outside.His escape from home led him to meet his childhood friend and current lover, Yuri, they quickly connected and became close friends, Yuliya and Yuri were the first true connection of familial love he’s ever experienced.At age 12, Valentin could not stop hearing voices, as the sheer stress Valentin experienced continued to accumulate under his father’s abuse and neglect, Valentin began to experience auditory hallucinations. An onslaught of voices harassed him day after day that he so clearly heard in his mind. However, one in particular stood out. A distinct voice that referred to herself as “Mama” would often speak to him which he responded back to. Perhaps born out of Valentin’s notable lack of a maternal figure or from his father’s near obsession with his own deceased mother, Valentin found comfort in "her" words. One day this comforting voice told him that everything will be better once Papa is dead. Something within him snapped and he took that as a green light, and that same night, he bid his papa goodnight and stabbed him multiple times. He later set his body down in the basement, staring long and hard at what he did and breaking down. It ended with him being so hungry he had consumed the body as a way to hide such a crime, also because he barely ate anything filling at all for a long time. (Cannibalism is widely accepted in Hyasminai due to the low resources of the settlement, but there is just the guilt of the death that weighed down Valentin although he was finally free). All that was left of his father was a necklace with a key attached to it, he kept it forever.

He was free, but he was alone.Yuliya was kind enough to let him stay with Yuri and herself, and for the remainder of his childhood, Valentin had become closer to Yuri and he lived a more lighthearted life. He grew well into his teens, and at the age of 19 he had gone back to his old home, out of curiosity about the secret door he saw in the basement of his home the day he killed his father, he had a strong feeling something there would bring him closure. The key led to another floor of the house, where there was a coffin box, out of curiosity, Valentin opened it and there he saw his mother, preserved and lying peacefully. He had never seen his mom before, the emotions got the best of him, and he lay there sobbing until the night. Talking to his mother tenderly all night and holding her cold stiff hand in his.From the age of 20 and onwards, Valentin took all of his father’s medical resources and began teaching himself embalming and medical practices, often Valentin would practice on any corpses he would find, whether it be dissections or embalming, and would also help the settlement elderly treat wounds. He was no professional to diagnose, but his basic knowledge helped enough. Seven years pass, and he finds out about Salus, he figures that there are so many opportunities there for him to continue his medical studies further and also have a more secure future. As well as leaving behind all painful memories of his home. Yuri refused to go with him no matter how much they begged for Yuri to come with him, but Yuri denied and denied.There was a tense farewell between them, as much as it hurt Valentin to leave Yuri, he just could not bear living in Hyasimnai any longer and felt that he needed to leave and expand his knowledge. So at age 27, Valentin treads off to Salus in hopes of a better life.

NOTE: Due to the lack of food in the settlement, Valentin performed cannibalism out of necessity that one time, please note that Valentin no longer is a cannibal and will never openly talk about such things or is actively looking to perform it again anytime soon, nor is it something he is comfortable talking about to unknown people, please keep this in mind…

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"AND STAY OUT! WORTHLESS BRAT!" The man in front of him yelled, throwing the nearest bottle towards Valentin, which he was luckily able to dodge as he ran away, no time to grab any warm cloths. Yet, the snow was no obstacle for young Valentin, who was slamming the door of his house open as he ran as far off as he could from his house which felt much colder than the white of show surrounding him. Wearing his winter cape covering his head and top half of his body.Huffing and puffing the snowy scenery seemed endless, but when he finally felt far enough from home he clumsily stopped, trying to catch his breath as he crouched down, feet flat on the ground, his soulless eyes, vision fogging up due to his classes and warm breath looking towards the distance then down to his bruised legs."Why won't papa love me...? What did I do wrong..?"He could feel his eyes, but he quickly reached for the tears with his sleeve, inhaling deeply to avoid letting out a sob.His thoughts were distracted from the sound of a giggle nearby as he eyed the figure. Another kid holding something close to him, did he have food? Did he find a treasure? Needless to say it peaked Valentin’s interest. He got up and quietly made his way behind the kid, but still at a distance in case something did happen.“What are you…doing…?” He asked with hesitation, hands clamping together in nervousness.


The Artist

Discord: naranjajajajajaj#9956Preferred Name: naraPronouns: they/sheRP Preference: n/aTRIGGERS: FLYING BUGS, P*DOPHILIA, R^peTIMEZONE: MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME (GMT-7)SNS LINKS

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